I was pleased to read this new article regarding the radicalism of the professors who were part of young Obama's education at Occidental College in the early 1980s. Charles Johnson combed through the on-campus publications and isolated some great examples of the ideological extremism that was considered normal at the school during the 1980-1981 school year when my path crossed that of the young Obama.
As the teaser notes, "Larry T. Caldwell, the president's foreign policy mentor at Occidental, argued the same policy of 'reconciling' with the USSR that the administration applies today with the Muslim Brotherhood."
One of the ironies in my life, of course, is that when I was a radical student at Occidental College, I considered most of these professors to be sell outs who were not extremist enough including Prof. Lare and Prof. Caldwell. As a political science professor at Williams College in MA, I taught in the political science department and I can verify that both Egan and Boesche were socialists at least during the early and mid-1980s when I knew them the best. By the way, I did speak at Occidental College last year regarding my take on young Obama.
All in all, I think my confrontation of young Obama's Marxist socialist views must have come as something of a shock, given the uniformity of revolutionary thought at Occidental College.
John C. Drew, Ph.D. is an award-winning political scientist.
John C. Drew, Ph.D. is an award-winning political scientist who is featured in Trevor Loudon's documentary, The Enemies Within.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Gaydar Gap: MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Attacks Dr. Drew's First Impression of Young Obama
As I said, whenever I am asked what I first thought about Barack Obama I tell the truth: I thought he was gay. Apparently, my take on young Obama's metrosexual appearance was worthy of being attacked last week on the Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC.
Maddow is apparently seeking to make me look like some kind of a nut simply because I have been honest about my first impression of young Obama. She and I both have Ph.D.'s in political science. I would think that she would give me some credit for being an honest and truthful person. I would also like to point out that David Maraniss, in his new book Barack Obama: The Story, verified that both young Obama and young Chandoo were in the San Francisco area at exactly then I indicated they were up there visiting with me and my ex-girlfriend.
John C. Drew, Ph.D. is an award-winning political scientist.
Maddow is apparently seeking to make me look like some kind of a nut simply because I have been honest about my first impression of young Obama. She and I both have Ph.D.'s in political science. I would think that she would give me some credit for being an honest and truthful person. I would also like to point out that David Maraniss, in his new book Barack Obama: The Story, verified that both young Obama and young Chandoo were in the San Francisco area at exactly then I indicated they were up there visiting with me and my ex-girlfriend.
John C. Drew, Ph.D. is an award-winning political scientist.
Dr. Drew Appears on Romney Radio - September 14, 2012
I was honored to appear on Romney Radio last week. I was interviewed by Clint Cox and his friends. I was billed as "...a former Marxist who knew the young radical Barack Obama and many of his closest friends at Occidental College in Los Angeles, CA in the early 1980s."
"Dr. Drew's college era girlfriend," they pointed out, "was so close to young Obama that she became part of the composite character Regina in Obama's first book, Dreams from My Father. Dr. Drew is among a handful of people in the world who not only knew the young Obama but are willing to go on the record about what they knew of his ideology." For the radio interivew, click below:
I would also like to point out that David Maraniss, in his new book Barack Obama: The Story, verified that both young Obama and young Chandoo were in the San Francisco area at exactly then I indicated they were up there visiting with me and my ex-girlfriend.
John C. Drew, Ph.D. is an award-winning political scientist.
"Dr. Drew's college era girlfriend," they pointed out, "was so close to young Obama that she became part of the composite character Regina in Obama's first book, Dreams from My Father. Dr. Drew is among a handful of people in the world who not only knew the young Obama but are willing to go on the record about what they knew of his ideology." For the radio interivew, click below:
I would also like to point out that David Maraniss, in his new book Barack Obama: The Story, verified that both young Obama and young Chandoo were in the San Francisco area at exactly then I indicated they were up there visiting with me and my ex-girlfriend.
John C. Drew, Ph.D. is an award-winning political scientist.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Quit Your Crying: Obama's Speech Shows Why One-Term Is Enough
The most striking feeling I have after watching Obama's speech on television tonight is that I expect the folks who voted for this guy in 2008 now realize that he simply was not up to the job of being a successful president.
I first listened to his speech on the radio in my office. It did not sound quite so bad to me in that environment. Maybe I was not really paying attention. On television, however, his speech was clearly a disappointment. On that stage, Obama looked small...like a little ant in a suit. He looked grey and ashen. It looked to me like his eyes were tearing up for about 15 minutes of his speech. All in all, he did not have the usual energy I associate with his standard stump speech, certainly not the energy of his famous 2004 speech.
I also noticed, when I watch the speech on television, that the camera brought to my attention that Obama's face was twitching with stress. Finally, he seemed to be droning on in the same, boring pace - not much vocal variety or spontaneity in this presentation.
Ironically, this poor performance comes to us on the heels of a couple of stories which call vivid attention to Obama's short-comings as a leader. The first is Bob Woodward's new book, "The Price of Politics," which goes on sale Sept. 11, 2012. It shows how Obama underestimated Boehner and pressed him for additional tax increases after Boehner thought a deal had been made. Obama's insistence of pushing Boehner further ended up breaking the whole deal apart.
(There is, by the way, a great story in Woodward's book: The bored Pelosi put Obama on mute while he was delivering an empty pep talk to her while she was doing the real work of hammering out the stimulus package.)
Further evidence of dysfunction showed up in a report by Jodi Kantor who sees in Obama some of the same perfectionistic dysfunction which made Jimmy Carter such a poor president. Her behind-the-scenes report shows Obama majoring in the minor things with a misplaced confidence in his own greatness and skill. Meanwhile, Obama's arrogance is thoughtfully considered by Thomas Sowell who remarks that Obama is "...seldom right, but never in doubt." (This, of course, is consistent with my own take on the young Obama who thought he - as a sophomore - had a stronger take on the possibility of Communist revolution in the U.S. than I did as a graduate student at Cornell.)
He also seems to be underestimating my intelligence once again. Obama seeks to suggest that Romney is inexperienced in foreign policy when it is perfectly clear that Obama himself had little experience in foreign policy when he was first elected president. Obama offers us a path for the future and does not address the natural questions of whether or not that path is working out for us now. He argues "everyone plays by the same rules" and yet supports affirmative action policies that make it harder than ever for young white boys and girls to succeed.
The internal contradictions are just mind-numbing. The vacuousness of Obama's lazy thinking was on full display tonight. He tries to score points when he makes fun of Republicans who seem to offer tax cuts as the inappropriate solution to having a cold, but then undercuts his own argument by reminding us that he has made tax cuts. He praises entrepreneurs, but takes away from their success by demanding that they become better citizens. He praises government and then talks about the need to reform it more - something he has neglected to do in situations like junkets in Las Vegas or Solyndra. He asserts that the Republicans are vague about their plans for the future, but then only offers vague ideas himself.
I suspect at this point in his political career Obama expected to be teaching us the value of socialism and wealth redistribution. Instead, he is suffering from the failure of his own collectivist ideas. It frightens me to imagine what Obama will be doing to our country when he no longer fears the verdict of the American people regarding his foreign policies or Supreme Court appointments. Give our reduced family income and abnormally high unemployment I think Clint Eastwood is right: We need to get a new president - a smart one who knows how to create economic prosperity.
John C. Drew, Ph.D. is an award-winning political scientist.
I also noticed, when I watch the speech on television, that the camera brought to my attention that Obama's face was twitching with stress. Finally, he seemed to be droning on in the same, boring pace - not much vocal variety or spontaneity in this presentation.
- The most chilling moment for me? Obama's assertion that Al Queda is more dangerous that Russia. What, after all, is Obama going to be more flexible about after the election?
- The most bizarre? Praising the guy who won the lottery, but then went back to his factory job.
- The reference to Lincoln? It made me feel Obama is overwhelmed, frightened and incompetent in his job.
- My advice? Send all the illegal aliens and their children home and I will be just fine with our existing roads and bridges.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Dr. Drew's Contribution to Today's Empty Chair Campaign
I thought I should add my two cents regarding the Obama empty chair campaign today. I'm not quite sure what the empty chair is supposed to signify except that Obama has not done a lot to bring back jobs. Sadly, new data shows that family income has decreased during the Obama years. As the Wall Street Journal points out: "For household income, in other words, the Obama recovery has been worse than the Bush recession."
As for me, I'm still mystified about why the Romney campaign fails to dig into the now substantial literature regarding young Obama's ties to Marxist socialist extremists like Frank Marshall Davis - a known Communist on the FBI's watch list. At any rate, this is how I would have set up Mr. Eastwood's famous performance piece at the RNC.
John C. Drew, Ph.D. is an award-winning political scientist.
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